Saturday, February 26, 2011

Masai Game Drives - Part I, This ones for the Birds!

Thanks for sticking with me this long.  You must be getting tired of all these words by now so I’m going to try and make these next couple of posts a feast for your eyes.  We’ve had the chance to go on three awesome game drives; one in the morning and two in the evening.  We arrived at camp on Friday afternoon and left on our game drive at 4 pm.  By 5 pm we had already seen zebras, gazelles, ostrich, and before we were done at 6:30 we saw elephants, giraffes, and even a cheetah….along with many more that I won’t list here.  I’m going to try and put the photos directly into the post rather than adding them along the side as I think you’ll be able to see them better.  I promise to include only a few narratives along the way.  I’ll tell you now that I don’t have a fancy camera and I’m certainly not an expert photographer but most of these creatures are so naturally beautiful, even I can’t screw them up in a photo! 
We’ll start with the birds and work our way up to mammals from there.
This is a lovely looking little lady who was strutting her stuff right along the road we were traveling….I know it’s a female because of the coloring, the males are much darker black.

This one is called a secretary bird, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her in the Lion King…

 I have no idea what this one is called, and neither did our guide.  He said he’s not much of a bird person….but the cool thing about it was it made this “gobbling” sound and then about two seconds later it made a “pop” that sounded just like a champagne cork being popped!

Jonathan thought these were some kind of guinea, the beautiful blue on their heads  and the blue hue of their body really stood out in the dry grass.

1 comment:

  1. So, the birds are cool and all, but I really wish there was someone videotaping you attempting to deal with the intrusive monkeys! I am so jealous that you get to see all this, but I really wish just as much that I was there to see your reaction to it all :) Love you Mom!
