Saturday, February 26, 2011

Masai Game Drive Part 2 - The Big Cats....and some little ones too!

We saw several lionesses and their cubs when we were out today both in the early morning and the evening.  We could have stopped and watched them all day.  I wish I had a video and am thankful that one of our team members did...he has promised to share...all 6 hours of it!

Anyway, the cubs were so playful, with each other and with the mothers.  We were really hoping to see a male but no luck...although, having seen these, we can hardly consider ourselves anything but blessed!

(sorry, can't figure out how to rotate this one, it was OK as a jpg...ah well, just tilt your screen!)

We saw this cheetah on our first evening drive and again on the morning drive...

So we managed to see 2 out of the 3 big cats; we didn't see a leopard.  Jonathan said they are very rare in the Mara, especially this time of year.  We will need to come back during the nicer season (July-Sept) if we want a better chance at "spotting" one of them (sorry couldn't resist!).  Most of them have migrated to the Serengeti.

I'll try to do at least one more post tonight but the connection is getting sporadic...I've got some big mammals and some people shots to share yet so stay tuned for more coming your way shortly.

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